Labels:bar | bulletin board | bus | case | clock | door | earth | person | reckoner | road | rock | sky | stairs | stairway | windowpane OCR: See E Monod L'Exostion universelle de 1888 3vols Paris, 1890. .... pp ix. xii ff.. xvii, II, PP. 139ff.: Picard, Ministere comerce de lindustrie et des colonies. Exposition universelle internationale de 1889 Paris, Rapport general Paris 1891 92. I, pp. 330ff.; C. Braibant, Histoire de la tour Eiffel, Paris 1964, 32; J. 1 Harriss, The Tallest Tower: Eiffel! and the Belle Epoque, Boston, 1975, 2; D.L Silverman. "The 1889 Exposition: the Crisis f Bourgeois Individualism, Oppositions, vol (Spring 1977) pp 71ff Exyoston unverselle vals commerce industrie Exvosition Touer Onnovtions Sprin